HP 8620C + 86290B 2-18 GHz Sweeper Hewlett Packard HP 8620C + 86290B Sweeper Frequency range 2 . 18.6 GHz Band 1 from 2 to 6.2GHz, Band 2 from 6 to 12.4GHz, Band 3 from 12 to 18.6GHz, and Band 4 from 2 to 18.6GHz Output of +10 dBm, 2 to 18.6 GHz Power level control range of 10 dBm. Sweep time of 10 msec single bands, 60 msec on 2 to 18.6GHz band (Band 4) Tested to be OK No cable, adapter or other testgear included Hewlett Packard Agilent Keysight